Nelly Ating è una giornalista fotoreporter freelance nota per i suoi servizi fotografici su Boko Haram nel nord-est della Nigeria.
Ating utilizza la fotografia per migliorare la narrazione del genere del reportage che ha acquisito crescente rilevanza nel ritenere le fotografie come inoppugnabile prova della realtà.
Tra i pochi fotogiornalisti che raccontano queste realtà, Ating si dirige verso le zone calde del conflitto per documentare la distruzione che Boko Haram ha provocato su Adamawa, Borno e gli altri stati in cui il terrorista era presente.
Le fotografie presenti in questa rassegna trattano storie di vita sociale, momenti di vita apparentemente normali, vissuti attimo dopo attimo con la consapevolezza della loro fragilità.
Nelly Ating is a freelance photojournalist known for her photo shoots on Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria.
Over the years, he has been able to tactfully catch the stories of the conflicts: BokoHaram and the crisis of the peasants / shepherds in the northeast she has widely reported kidnappings of school girls led by one of the most deadly terrorist groups in the world, Boko Haram.
His work has been published in renowned local and foreign newspapers and blogs: CNN, Premium Times, Vanguard, Thisday.
Ating uses photography to improve the narrative of the reportage genre, which has acquired increasing relevance in considering photographs as an irrefutable proof of reality.
Among the few photojournalists who narrate these realities, his work area is the hot areas of the conflict to document the destruction that Boko Haram has caused in Adamawa, Borno and other states where the terrorist was present.
The photographs in this review deal with stories of social life, apparently normal moments in life, lived moment by moment with the awareness of their fragility.